Breast Lift in West Palm Beach
What Is Involved In Breast Lift Surgery? The breast lift, or mastopexy, is a procedure designed to restore beautiful contours to the breasts. Some potential patients assume that this involves placing breast implants to restore volume. While the breast lift may be done in conjunction with augmentation, this procedure may also be performed separately. Dr. Jarial always performs a thorough consultation and evaluation of your body structure.
More About Mastopexy
Cosmetic plastic surgery is an important decision. Dr. Jarial provides the full extent of information you need to feel confident in your choice of procedures, such as the fact that mastopexy leaves a circular, or “lollipop” scar. He discusses what to expect from your surgery as well as your recovery. Expectation is, after all, integral to your satisfaction aftercare.
Get a shape you love with a breast lift from your West Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale plastic surgeon Dr. Jarial. Understandably, you want to feel satisfied with your overall shape, and specifically with the appearance of your breasts.

Made up of glandular and fat tissue, the breasts may transform over time due to a number of factors. These include:
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding. Each of these experiences affects the fatty and glandular tissue that make up the breasts. The weight gain, hormonal imbalance, and physical effects of breastfeeding may cause these tissues to change permanently.
- Gravity. Logically, gravity affects the entire body. The breasts, especially when they are large, are subjected to this pull, and may in time fall lower on the chest wall.
- Age. The older you become, the less supportive tissues will be present beneath the skin. In addition to the other two factors of gravity and pregnancy, age can be the final straw that leads you to seek breast augmentation surgery.
- Weight is also a factor in the appearance of the breasts. Many women complain of deflation after losing a significant amount of weight.

Sagging of the breasts can sometimes be difficult to disguise with undergarments. There is also the matter of your own self-image. You know what you look like with no clothes on, or in a bathing suit, and you deserve to feel good about that image. With breast lift surgery, it is possible to reposition the breasts to an appropriate height on the chest wall, and also remove excess skin in the process.
If you are in the West Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale area and want to address the shape and size of your breasts with the right augmentation procedure, get the right information. Call Ultra Aesthetics at (561) 249-0390.