Fat pockets tend to accumulate along the jawline and under the chin as men and women get older. Your genetics, age, and weight fluctuations can create a “double chin” that is nearly impossible to eliminate with diet and exercise. Dr. Ravinder Jarial at Ultra Aesthetics in West Palm Beach offers minimally invasive double chin reduction with Kybella and surgical treatment with chin liposuction or facelift.
Double Chin Treatment with Kybella Injections
Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable that targets the fat under your chin. The solution is made with a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, which causes fat digestion. Dr. Jarial expertly injects Kybella into the fatty tissues in the submental area, and the injectable targets the outer cell membranes to destroy fat. Your body naturally eliminates the dissolved fat cells, improving jawline and chin definition and providing a slimmer facial profile.
Patients with good skin quality who are at least 18 years old can qualify for Kybella treatments. Kybella is an excellent option for people struggling with a double chin who don’t want invasive surgery, such as liposuction. There’s no need for time away for healing; patients can return to work and their normal activities right after their Kybella appointment. The procedure takes just a few minutes, but you can expect some swelling, redness, numbness, or bruising for around two days. Some patients may need multiple treatment sessions to dissolve especially stubborn fat cells.
Kybella offers a permanent solution for double chin, with results that appear a few weeks after the first treatment.
Eliminate Submental Fat with Chin Liposuction
Liposuction permanently removes fat cells from under the chin or other body areas. Dr. Jarial makes a small incision in the skin tissue and inserts a hollow tube (cannula) to loosen and suction out the stubborn fat. Chin liposuction may only require local anesthetic because the treated area is small. Liposuction is a good option for patients with good skin elasticity who want a better jawline and chin contour.
Elastin fibers in your skin help the tissues “bounce back” and conform to the smaller chin shape after liposuction, but your skin loses that elasticity with natural aging as elastin fibers degrade. If you have loose skin tissue or a “turkey wattle” in addition to a double chin, facelift and neck lift could be a better fit for you. Facelift and neck lift address multiple concerns at once, including sagging skin, jowling (fat accumulation around the jawline), hollow cheeks, double chin, severe lines and wrinkles, and loose neck muscles.
If you struggle with the appearance of a double chin, contact Dr. Jarial in West Palm Beach, Florida, at (561) 249-0390 to schedule a consultation at Ultra Aesthetics.